Quotes of the Week

McCarrick, Weyrich, Hamilton, Sturzl, Bohac, and TaylorCardinal Theodore McCarrick, the archbishop of Washington, D.C., quoted in The New York Times as he and other bishops start a campaign against the death penalty: "We cannot teach killing is wrong by killing. We cannot defend life by taking life." Paul Weyrich, chairman of the Free Congress Foundation, defending U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay in a commentary quoted by The New York Times: "If we let him hang out to dry, how many others in leadership will ever risk trying to accomplish bold objectives?" Deputy Comptroller Billy Hamilton, after House changes to business taxes threw the school finance bill out of balance: "People have been struggling with how to reform this tax for an entire decade... you have problems when you're trying to do something people haven't done in 10 years in two days." Frank Sturzl, executive director of the Texas Municipal League, quoted by the San Antonio Express-News on appraisal tax caps: "We're going to continue to oppose them until the last dog is dead." Rep. Dwayne Bohac, R-Houston, fighting back an amendment that would have changed his legislation naming a road for Ronald Reagan Highway to one naming it for George W. Bush: "President Bush is still with us, and history is out, somewhat, on his success." Smith County Constable Dennis Taylor, in an Associated Press story about two men who dismantled a house over several weeks and sold it for drugs: "Everybody drove by and waved at them."