Sharp, Bonner, a coffee cup, Moreno, and Stromberg John Sharp, accepting an appointment from his former rival, Gov. Rick Perry: "I'm not very good at politics anyway... If I were good, I would be appointing him." Former Wilmer-Hutchins ISD trustee Joan Bonner telling The Dallas Morning News that district officials who misspent federal money should be held to account: "I don't care if they have to sell a kidney, they need to pay this money back. We know they don't have a heart or a brain, but a kidney might be usable." The quote from writer Armistead Maupin that got a line of coffee cups pulled from a coffee shop at Baylor University: "My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short." Trazanna Moreno, telling the Associated Press about turning back after getting stuck trying to leave Houston for Dallas to avoid Hurricane Rita: "We ended up going six miles in two hours and 45 minutes. It could be that if we ended up stranded in the middle of nowhere that we'd be in a worse position in a car dealing with hurricane-force winds than we would in our house." Laura Stromberg, spokeswoman for Kinky Friedman, asked by the Austin American-Statesman about another campaign's objection to Friedman's spoofs of candidates who invoke religion: "We're all a little too uptight. Jesus Christ, get over it."