Quotes of the Week

White, Gibson, Utley, Gohmert, Craddick, and Stough Bill White of Austin, a lawyer for U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Sugar Land, in The Dallas Morning News, on the charge against his client: "It's a skunky indictment." Grand jury foreman William Gibson, a retired sheriff's deputy, quoted by the Associated Press on the DeLay case: "Ronnie Earle didn't indict him. The grand jury indicted him." Beaumont Port officer Renee Utley in The Washington Post: "You got storm surge. You got flooding. You got spin-off tornadoes, and you got hurricane winds coming. You'll get a lot for your money with this storm." Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, talking to The Washington Post after the storm: "Many communities, faith-based entities and the state of Texas have drained assets to save lives and help with the enormous multi-state national emergency, and they will need reimbursement to avoid massive financial failures." House Speaker Tom Craddick in the Midland Reporter-Telegram: "I'm for closing the bad schools. As you know, a lot of schools are cheating on TAKS. I support making the responsible school officials criminally liable. But the Texas Association of School Administrators says, 'No.'" Steven Stough, a science teacher who is among the parents suing the Dover, Pennsylvania school district over plans to teach "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolution in biology classes, in The New York Times: "In science class, you don't say to the students, 'Is there gravity, or do you think we have rubber bands on our feet?'"