Quotes of the Week

Kinkeade, Minton, Dougharty, and Sorrells Federal Judge Ed Kinkeade, quoted in Texas Lawyer about Harriet Miers' nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, after finding that seven of the eight current justices when to Yale or Harvard: "If she doesn't have the legal qualifications to be on the Supreme Court, then nobody in Texas does... Well, excuse me. You can be smart and still say "y'all.'" Austin lawyer Roy Minton, telling the San Antonio Express-News that House Speaker Tom Craddick is off the hook with Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle: "He (Earle) called me ... and said, 'It's good news.' I said, 'What's ya got, Buddy?' And he said, 'We're not going to indict Craddick.'" Newton County Judge Truman Dougharty, complaining about federal disaster relief efforts in rural East Texas, in the San Antonio Express-News: "Just because we're poor and we're small doesn't mean we should be last." Tim Sorrells with the Texas Ethics Commission, asked by the San Antonio Express-News whether an election complaint filed now could be resolved before the November 8 elections: "Theoretically it's possible, but it would be highly unlikely."