Quotes of the Week

Eissler, Lavine, Grusendorf, Mowery, Gonzalez, Roof, and MadlaRep. Rob Eissler, R-The Woodlands, and a former school board member, talking about school finance in The Dallas Morning News: "There are competing visions. One is, 'Give us more money and get out of the way.' The Legislature has said, 'Hey, we realize more money will help the situation. But it's not the only answer. We want more accountability.'" Dick Lavine with the Center for Public Policy Priorities, telling the El Paso Times that higher efficiency will help public schools but won't solve everything: "You can do a lot more with money than you can do without money." House Public Education Committee Chairman Kent Grusendorf, quoted in the San Antonio Express-News on reports that school districts spent $4.3 million on lawyers in the school finance case: "I don't think it's appropriate to use tax dollars to sue the taxpayers for more taxpayer money." Rep. Anna Mowery, R-Fort Worth, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram she's heard from her constituents about school finance: "They told me, 'Don't give the Fort Worth school district another penny. They either steal it or waste it.'" Pre-med student Adriana Gonzalez, talking to the Brownsville Herald after hearing Kinky Friedman speak at UT Pan American: "All the good ideas in the world won't work without the system, and saying he hates politics while running is like me hating biology while being a biology major. It doesn't make sense." Greg Roof, an economics prof at Alvin Community College, talking to the Galveston County Daily News about dropping his bid for Congress for lack of support: "Sometimes, petitions send a strong message to the government about the will of the people. Other times, petitions send a strong message to the petitioner about what the people do not want." Sen. Frank Madla, D-San Antonio, asked by the Austin American-Statesman whether he's serious about reelection: "Am I committed? I've only put 18,000 miles on this car in the last two months. I even know the damn frogs by their first names."