Political People and their Moves

Lame duck state Sen. Frank Madla, D-San Antonio, won't serve out his full term, but will be around for school finance.In a letter to Gov. Rick Perry, Madla said he intends to resign May 31, the day before the courts say the school finance knot must be untangled. Madla, who was seeking another term in the Legislature, lost the Democratic primary to Rep. Carlos Uresti, another San Antonio Democrat. Leaving seven months early probably won't cost his district a vote on school finance, and frees Madla to start collecting a legislative pension and starting something new. From his resignation letter, dated on the opening day of the special session: "It has been my greatest honor and pleasure to serve the citizens of this great state as both a member of the House of Representatives and a state senator, and making the decision to depart at this time was not easy. However, after many hours of thoughtful consideration and reflection, I ultimately decided that after 33 years of prioritizing public service, it was time to put my family first."