Quotes of the Week

Hughes, Harris, deLuna Castro, Bearse, Woolley, and Pilgrim

Ed Hughes, a supporter of Virginia Sen. George Allen, quoted in the Washington Post on how Allen's "macaca" quote has overwhelmed media coverage of the candidate: "You'd have to be a 6-year-old virgin to ever pass the test."

U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris, R-Florida, quoted by the Florida Baptist Witness: "If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin."

Eva deLuna Castro, a policy analyst with the Center for Public Policy Priorities, quoted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Census Bureau numbers showing Texas ranks fifth in the number of poor people: "We ended welfare as we know it. We just didn't do anything about poverty."

Eric Bearse, a spokesman for Gov. Rick Perry, quoted in an Austin American-Statesman story on state health programs: "We do not think that we can justify to taxpayers providing a subsidized health insurance benefit for families that may be driving expensive cars like Lexuses and Escalades."

Calendars Committee Chairwoman Beverly Woolley, R-Houston, asked by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram how she passed a conflicts disclosure bill with unanimous votes from both the House and Senate: "It may have something to do with the position in the House that I hold."

Lonnie "Bo" Pilgrim, of Pilgrim's Pride, telling The Dallas Morning News that immigration laws need to allow enough workers into the U.S. to fill jobs Americans don't want, in plants like his: "How many people can you get to squat down and catch chickens?"