Quotes of the Week

Clinton, Bell, O'Quinn, Sawyer, and Friedman

Former President Bill Clinton, talking to the Washington Post about the current state of politics and media: "All of this is a head game, you know… All great contests are head games. Our candidates have to get to a point where they don't allow other people to define them as either people or as political leaders. Our people have got to be more psychologically prepared for it, and there has to be more distance between them and these withering attacks."

Democrat Chris Bell, in the debate: "There is no term limit for Texas governor, and that's why people should be horrified."

Houston lawyer John O'Quinn, quoted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram after saying he'll contribute $1 million to Chris Bell's campaign and will ask other Democrats to join him: "I'm going to say, 'Match me.' He's not going to lose because he lacks the resources."

Robin Sawyer, a University of Maryland public health professor, in the Washington Post: "If we taught driver's ed the way we teach sex education, we'd be saying things like, 'Stay away from the car. Don't stand next to the car.' Yeah, right."

Kinky Friedman, on Texas Monthly Talks, on barricading the border: "I was for the fence, but Jesse Ventura talked me out of it. He says, in ten years, we might want to get out of here."