Quotes of the Week

Wolf, Black, Ortiz, and Patterson

Attorney Howard Wolf, a citizen member of the Sunset Advisory Commission whose comments critical of state liquor laws were omitted from a Sunset report by Sen. Kim Brimer, R-Fort Worth, in the Austin American-Statesman: "The system is so corrupt that it cannot tolerate someone saying that the emperor has no clothes," Wolf said. "They have been allowed to perpetuate a system that has used government at the expense of consumers."

Robert Black, a spokesman for Gov. Rick Perry, telling the San Antonio Express-News that the Legislature's new highway bill doesn't include a moratorium on toll roads: "Of any kind, that we can tell. Unless there was something screwy that happened."

Freshman Rep. Solomon Ortiz Jr., in a press statement saying he will ask the governor to veto one of his own bills: "Today, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (CCRTA) wrote me a letter indicating the board will likely withdraw its support for HB 2622. I agreed to file this legislation at the request of the CCRTA, based on the unanimous support of the board..."

Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, telling The Dallas Morning News that he'll accept the pay raise given him in the state budget, though a handful of other statewide officials are refusing theirs: "They're worried about looking good."