Quotes of the Week

Black, Price, Eppstein, and a restaurant sign

Robert Black, spokesman for Gov. Rick Perry, on the House Speaker's efforts to hold onto his position into the next legislative session, in the Houston Chronicle: "The governor has always had a good and a strong relationship with [Tom] Craddick. It does not matter who the speaker is."

Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, quoted in the Dallas Observer on last year's election of a fellow Democrat, Dallas County Judge Jim Foster: "The problem is sometimes the people elect an innocent man."

Republican consultant Bryan Eppstein, after the House member from Seguin had to revise his ethics report to detail his campaign credit card purchases, a listing that included a purchase at a Jockey outlet: "Edmund Kuempel is the only politician in state history to get in trouble for having clean underwear."

Sign outside El Arroyo, an Austin restaurant, this week: "Our bathrooms are senator-free."