Quotes of the Week

Kimbrough, Cascos, Cook, Arduengo, and Stanford

Former Texas Youth Commission conservator Jay Kimbrough, on hiring a controversial former state official as a consultant there, quoted in The Dallas Morning News: "It doesn't matter to me if Gregg Phillips was on the grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas, if he has a solution that is good for the youth of TYC."

Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos, talking with the Associated Press about state efforts to increase border security: "At some point [lawmakers] are going to have to put in money for additional personnel. The boots on the ground are great, but the boots get tired."

Rep. Byron Cook, R-Corsicana, quoted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on funding delays to the Texas State Railroad that followed his opposition to House Speaker Tom Craddick: "If this railroad was in Midland, they probably would have added another 100 miles of track right now."

University of North Texas student Sebastian Arduengo, quoted by the Austin American-Statesman after a political rally in the capital city: "If the Texas primary actually mattered, I'd be inclined to vote for Obama."

Jason Stanford, campaign manager for Democrat Chris Bell's gubernatorial campaign last year, on Kinky Friedman's book on that contest, quoted in the San Antonio Express-News: "I will give him kudos for message discipline. He's still selling the same jokes."