Quotes of the Week

Newton, Maresco, The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Hall, and Cantu

Will Newton, executive director of the National Federation of Independent Business/Texas, telling the Houston Chronicle about his group's opposition to the state's new business tax: "I don't know how on Earth someone can run for election saying, 'Hey, you're not making money. Give the state a little extra money.' "

Michael Maresco, who's been bicycling around the U.S. to show his support for presidential candidate Ron Paul, in the Brazosport Facts: "The hardest thing, other than the hills, has been seeing people that don’t care."

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, in a unanimous ruling in Lawrence v. State of Texas: "The Supreme Court has emphasized that states may protect human life not only once the fetus has reached viability but 'from the outset of the pregnancy,' The Legislature is free to protect the lives of those whom it considers to be human beings."

U.S. Rep. Ralph Hall, R-Rockwall, on undocumented immigrants, in the Tyler Morning Telegraph: "I can't reward people for breaking our laws. But I can't punish them forever for trying to get a better life. That's what we've got to reconcile."

McAllen developer Alonzo Cantu, telling the Washington Post why he helped raise $640,000 so far for Hillary Clinton in South Texas: "To me, there's two things that will keep us from being ignored. Money and votes. I think we've shown we can raise money. That will get us attention, or at least get us a seat at the table, get us in the room."