Quotes of the Week

McLeroy, Friedman, Gordon, Smithee, and McWilliams

State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy, talking about the 15-member board's vote in favor of textbooks that included teaching on evolution (on a tape unearthed by the Texas Observer): "It was only the four really conservative, orthodox Christians on the board were the only ones who were willing to stand up to the textbooks and say they don't present the weaknesses of evolution. Amazing."

Kinky Friedman, telling the Austin American-Statesman he might not be done with this gubernatorial thing yet and is "open" to another go. But not as an independent: "Had I run as a Democrat last time, I think Rick Perry would already be a lobbyist for a cigar company."

Writer and Barnard prof Mary Gordon, asked by The New York Times whether she supports Hillary Clinton: "I think no woman is electable in America, and particularly not Hillary, because she is married to this guy whom everyone is libidinally attached to. I think there is unconscious sexual jealousy of her among women."

Rep. John Smithee, R-Amarillo, saying he'll probably seek reelection and offering an explanation for the biennial rumors that he won't: "It's because of the disgusted and bitter look I have on my face at the end of every session."

Pat McWilliams, a spokesman for the Henderson County Sheriff, quoted in the Tyler Morning Telegraph about the possibility of lewdness charges against the promoters of the "2007 Redneck Games" held in Athens: "People paid to get in and see this. It's hard to prove they were shocked by what they saw."