Quotes of the Week

Turner, Birnberg, Weinberg, Carrillo, and Nagin

Rep. Sylvester Turner, D-Houston, talking to the Houston Chronicle about his party's delegate system: "It's time to end the Texas two-step — the music is over. Is it necessary to the democratic process, or to the candidates themselves, for these people to have to come back later in the evening after they have voted?"

Harris County Democratic Party Chairman Gerry Birnberg, quoted in the Houston Chronicle on 1,091 people who voted in both primaries there, and another 884 who voted early and again on Election Day in the Democratic primary: "[They] took literally the admonition that they should 'vote twice.' It's also a criminal offense."

Dr. Steven Weinberg, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram he was caught off guard when Gov. Rick Perry offered him a spot on the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission: "I told them that I, personally, don't drink."

Duval County Attorney Ricardo Carrillo, quoted by the Associated Press, describing the past electoral success of Sheriff Santiago Barrera Jr., whose 20-year tenure ended with a primary election loss last week: "He's a great politician and a terrible sheriff."

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, introducing Vagina Monologues writer Eve Ensler, taped by 99.5 FM: "How am I gonna stand up and say, I'm a vagina-friendly Mayor to these cameras after 'Chocolate City' and some of the other stuff that I've done. But you know what? I said, I'm in."