The Week in the Rearview Mirror

This week, bloggers are reviewing the results of the presidential primaries. They're also looking back on the outcomes of Congressional, statewide and state House races. And there's more.

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Oval Office Outcomes

KVUE's Political Junkie, for one, is feeling down now that Tuesday's over. Meanwhile, In the Pink Texas revels in the moment of Hillary Clinton's victory.

Clinton's toughness reminds BurkaBlog of a certain Speaker of the House, and Burnt Orange Report thinks a Democrat could win Texas in the general.

Here are county-by-county maps of the Democratic presidential primary results from Burnt Orange and from Greg's Opinion. (Greg also has maps of presidential results in Harris County and results of the Democratic U.S. Senate primary by county, plus a table of Senate votes by media market.)

Burnt Orange posts arguments that Clinton won Texas and that Barack Obama won Texas, while Postcards from the Lege, the Austin American-Statesman's blog, has word from the Clinton camp and the Obama camp themselves. Meanwhile, McBlogger wants Democrats to pass a resolution regarding chips and salsa during their precinct conventions.

Redneck Mother, Half Empty and Texas Kaos relate their experiences at Tuesday night caucuses. "We survived," says Houtopia. "[W]e blew it," says Rhetoric & Rhythm.

Where have all the superdelegates gone? wonders Texas Blue, who has video of Barack Obama in Fort Worth, an Obama volunteer in Dallas and Clinton in Dallas. Here's a convenient archive of Blue's audio and video. And PoliTex, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's blog, has YouTube clips of Texas caucuses.

Tex Parte Blogreports from John McCain's victory party in Dallas, while Walker Report has photos from a McCain visit to Mi Tierra restaurant in Bexar County.

The Dallas Morning News's Trail Blazers has a meltdown over the impatient national media, while PoliTex has a three-parter on "caucus chaos": here, here and here. And Trail Blazers recaps their reporters' presidential prognostications.

And B and B wins our Headline of the Week award for a post on the Democratic caucuses: "Where were you all last time?"

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Congressional conclusions

Capitol Annex is not gracious in the defeat of Dan Grant by Larry Joe Doherty in CD-10, while Half Empty wonders which candidate in CD-22 will be easier to beat by incumbent Nick Lampson. And Rhetoric reflects on Lyle Larson's victory in the CD-23 Democratic Primary.

Blue interviews CD-24 Democrat Tom Love, while Kaos reports that CD-4 incumbent Ralph Hall has agreed to debate Democrat Glenn Melancon. And Burnt Orange takes a look at CD-32, concluding, "We can beat Pete Sessions in November."

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Statewide stuff

Burnt Orange has an overview of the state Supreme Court race, and Half Empty inspects the two remaining candidates in the Democratic runoff for State Railroad Commissioner.

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House Yield

Political Junkie has a list of pro- and anti-Craddick House casualties. Burka says "the primary was a big plus for Craddick... but these fall races are far from won." And Dos Centavos reacts to results from HD-127.

I won! I won! says Rep. Aaron Peña, D-Edinburg, in A Capitol Blog. And Rio Grande Valley Politics calls out Peña for a perceived breach in political etiquette.

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And So On...

Austin Political Report didn't forget Gov. Rick Perry's birthday on Tuesday, while Rhetoric remembers Dungeons and Dragon's inventor Gary Gygax, who died last week.

Professors-R-Squared, everybody's favorite Houston poly-sci wonks, cleared out and wiped their site clean. And Houston's Clear Thinkers is scaling down his operation. But Texas Safety Forum is back, with three posts on the CD-22 primary, here, here and here.

Anything you've ever wanted to know about Daylight Savings Time and more, via Mike Falick's Blog.

Texas Blue, the Houston Chronicle's blog, has video reactions to Tuesday's primary from Texas Republican chair Tina Benkiser and from Texas Democratic chair Boyd Richie.

K.C. Jones is the new political director for the GOP's "Texas Victory 2008" campaign, says Blue.

Capitol Crowd is selling mini-staff directories, and Grits for Breakfast is looking at some races from a criminal justice perspective.

Private prison contractor Corrections Corporation of America spent $2.5 million lobbying the feds in 2007, says Texan Prison Bid'ness. And Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson said Big Bend National Park doesn't want the Christmas Mountains, much to PoliTex's surprise.

This edition of Out There was compiled and written by Patrick Brendel, who hails from Victoria but is spending the spring in the mid-Atlantic region. We cherry-pick the state's political blogs each week, looking for news, info, gossip, and new jokes. The opinions here belong (mostly) to the bloggers, and we're including their links so you can hunt them down if you wish. Our blogroll — the list of Texas blogs we watch — is on our links page, and if you know of a Texas political blog that ought to be on it, just shoot us a note. Please send comments, suggestions, gripes or retorts to Texas Weekly editor Ross Ramsey.

State election officials have asked for an investigation of voting in a Republican House race that was decided by just 38 votes.More than 200 people complained about the GOP primary in HD-73, according to a spokesman for the Texas Secretary of State. Lawyers there, concerned about allegations that people were counting ballots before the polls closed, turned the matter over to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott for investigation. In unofficial returns, former New Braunfels Mayor Doug Miller defeated freshman Rep. Nathan Macias, R-Bulverde, by 38 votes out of 29,324 cast. A count now underway has so far confirmed that number, though there was one county still to be counted when we checked. Only two votes were in question there, however — not enough to swing things the incumbent's way. The post-election debate centers on Box 5 in Gillespie County. Officials there ran short of ballots, so they made copies, let voters use those, and then did a hand-count of the results. It took until the wee hours of the morning to get a full count, and some of Macias' supporters aren't happy with the process or the result. They've raised questions about the extra ballots, the slow count, the fact that Miller's sister-in-law was initially among the vote-counters (they started the counting over again after asking her to move along), and about whether some of the officials involved were more friendly to the challenger than to the incumbent. Miller's folk counter that Macias supporters were also among the counters and that the results were the same no matter who was counting. What's gone to Abbott are allegations that some of the counters were tabulating votes before the polls closed. That's illegal whether it helps a particular candidate or not, though the complaints in this case came from the loser's side. Macias lost in early voting, but pulled to almost even on Election Day. In Gillespie County, Miller won by 1,131 votes. He won 63.6 percent in early voting there and 60 percent when all the votes were counted. But Macias won in the other three counties in the district, by 28 votes in Bandera County, by 820 in Comal County, and by 245 in Kendall County. (They split the counties in early voting, with Bandera and Kendall favoring Macias, and Comal and Gillespie favoring Miller.) Since Gillespie's votes were the last ones counted, at least some Macias followers hit the sack that night thinking their guy had won a close race. The investigation is separate from the counting going on now. If the margin remains tight after this count, Macias can ask for (and pay for) a recount. If that falls short, his camp could go to court to contest the election. And if the AG turns something up, the results could be questioned on that basis.

The leading tort reform group in Texas gave $20,000 to a candidate whose law firm was suing Oklahoma poultry producers on a contingency contract with that state's Democratic attorney general.

Former state Rep. Bill Keffer, R-Dallas — defeated in 2006 but in a rematch this year with Rep. Allen Vaught, D-Dallas — received $20,000 from Texans for Lawsuit Reform in December, as the two candidates geared up for the elections. He also got a $5,000 donation from Houston developer Richard Weekley, one of TLR's leading lights.

At the time, Miller Keffer Bullock Pedigo was one of three firms under contract with Oklahoma AG W.A. Drew Edmondson to sue poultry firms in the Illinois River watershed. Edmondson contends the tons of waste from those operations pollute the water. He signed up the three firms in July 2004 to handle the case and agreed to pay them one third of what they win. He also agreed to pay expenses, but capped what the firms can make — fees plus expenses — at 50% of what they win in court.

Keffer says the lawsuit is being handled by his partners, and that the Miller Keffer firm is actually more a "marketing partnership" than a traditional law firm. He's not financially involved in the lawsuit, he says: "I'm not involved in it... I don't have any financial interest in it." Keffer said he's not on the hook for expenses incurred by the firm, and won't get a check if the lawyers win the lawsuit for the state. A spokesman for the Oklahoma AG says Keffer wasn't one of the lawyers with whom they worked. And the issue was never raised in this or past races when Keffer won the support of tort reformers in his bids for state office. As of January, his name is out of the deal altogether. In January, the state broke off its arrangement with Randy Miller, one of Keffer's partners. Another, Louis Bullock, took over the business. And Keffer's name is no longer tied to the deal in any way; Bullock, a partner in another law firm, is doing the business under that banner now. Edmondson's spokesman gave no reason for the breakup, saying that was a matter of attorney-client privilege. Keffer shared a copy of the disengagement letter.

The defendants sued unsuccessfully in federal court last year to throw out the law firms (that group Tyson Poultry, Tyson Chicken, Cobb-Vantress, Simmons Foods, Willow Brook Foods, Cal-Maine Foods, Cal-Maine Farms, George’s, George’s Farms, and Peterson Farms). They say the AG violated both the U.S. and Oklahoma constitutions by hiring firms on a contingent fee basis (that's the same arrangement Texas used to sue big tobacco companies in the 1990s, and it brought controversy here, too).

The suit against the chicken interest got national attention: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Tort Reform Association filed briefs supporting the poultry interests and saying the private lawyers shouldn't be doing state business.

Keffer says he was never financially involved in the lawsuit, though the Dallas Republican's name was on the law firm's flag and thus in the contracts with the state. He said he didn't know much about it; in fact, he didn't even know his firm was no longer involved until a reporter started asking about the case. And he says the issue has never come up in his conversations with TLR and other tort reformers.

A spokeswoman for TLR confirms that, saying the group "did know know about that poultry lawsuit, and we are looking into it."

That political committee formed by gambling interests to play in state elections got the attention of Austin lawyer Bill Crocker (who's also the Republican National Committeeman from Texas).

He filed a complaint with Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle about Texans for Economic Development PAC and its use of corporate money. You might remember this from a few weeks ago: The operators of TEDPAC refiled their campaign finance reports to show a separation between their corporate and non-corporate funds, so as to avoid tripping laws that prevent corporations and unions from messing in elections for state office. Crocker didn't buy that explanation, and asked Earle's office to investigate. That office got the letter but hasn't made any comment on it.

• Watching the race for Speaker of the House? Speaker Tom Craddick hosted a fundraiser for three March 4 primary winners: Mike Anderson of Mesquite, Dee Margo of El Paso, and Randy Weber of Pearland.

• Musical chairs: Rep. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, is the new vice chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources. Rep. Robert Puente, the chairman, retired. Craddick moved the vice-chairman, Rep. Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton, R-Mauriceville, into that spot, and Creighton into Hamilton's spot.

You'd think these people had never run against each other...

Ray McMurrey, the Corpus Christi teacher who ran for U.S. Senate in the Democratic primary, says he'll back Rick Noriega in the November election against Republican U.S. Sen. John Cornyn. Noriega finished first in that race with just enough votes to avoid a runoff with the Gene Kelly who doesn't dance in the movies. McMurrey was third, and he finished an endorsement note with a link to the winner's fundraising site on the Internet.

• Republican Pete Olson picked up endorsements from 13 members of the Texas congressional delegation in his runoff fight against former U.S. Rep. Shelley Sekula Gibbs in CD-22. Gibbs had that gig for a few months after Tom DeLay left office, then lost to Nick Lampson. She and Olson are vying for a shot at Lampson in November. Olson snagged some of her former colleagues, including U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (his former boss), and U.S. Reps. Michael Conaway, John Culberson, Louie Gohmert, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Sam Johnson, Kenny Marchant, Michael McCaul, Randy Neugebauer, Pete Sessions, Lamar Smith and Mac Thornberry. That bunch lent their names to a fundraising effort. Olson also picked up endorsements from Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert and Sugar Land Mayor David Wallace (who once considered running for the congressional seat). One more note from CD-22: Olson fired up a new website whacking Gibbs for her votes on the Houston City Council. It's at

• Rep. Buddy West, R-Odessa, picked up endorsements from the two losers in the four-candidate GOP primary in HD-81. West came in second to former state District Judge Tryon Lewis. Randy Rives and Jesse Gore now both say they're throwing their support to the incumbent. Gore told the local paper he was painting over his signs so that GORE would now read GO WEST.

• In the HD-52 race to replace Rep. Mike Krusee, R-Round Rock, Candidates Three and Four endorsed Candidate One in the runoff. Both John Gordon and Vivian Sullivan say they’ll support Dee Hobbs over Bryan Daniel in the April race. Hobbs, Daniel, and Gordon finished within a few hundred votes of each other in the primary.

• In HD-55, Ralph Sheffield picked up an endorsement from John Alaniz. He already had Mike Pearce's nod. There's only one other candidate left, and she — Martha Tyroch — is in the runoff with Sheffield. That's the seat now held by Rep. Dianne White Delisi, R-Temple.

Randy Dunning, a former Garland City Council member trying to win Rep. Fred Hill's seat, won endorsements from a pack of conservative legislators that includes Sen. Bob Deuell of Greenville and Reps. Betty Brown of Terrell, Dan Flynn of Van, Bryan Hughes of Mineola, Jim Jackson of Carrollton, Jodie Laubenberg of Parker, Phil King of Weatherford, Tan Parker of Flower Mound, and Ken Paxton of McKinney. Dunning's in a runoff with Angie Chen Button for the GOP nomination in HD-112.

• The Travis County District Attorney race — of interest here because that "local" office is the one that prosecutes miscreants in state politics and government — is in runoff mode. The incumbent, Ronnie Earle, isn't seeking reelection. Four candidates — all assistants in his office — ran in the first round. The survivors are Earle's first assistant, Rosemary Lehmberg, and Mindy Montford, a prosecutor who's also the daughter of former legislator and Texas Tech Chancellor John Montford, who's now an AT&T exec. Lehmberg has Earle's endorsement, and just got a nod from Gary Cobb, who finished third.