Buzbee, Coleman, Marquez, Dewhurst, and Averitt
Attorney Tony Buzbee, quoted in The (Galveston County) Daily News about taking U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent to lunch after appearing before him in a hearing on the British Petroleum case: "As long as judges and lawyers aren't discussing court business, there's nothing wrong with it. If there is something wrong with it, you might as well indict every lawyer and every judge on this island."
Rep. Garnet Coleman, quoted in a Houston Chronicle story about Rep. Borris Miles, a fellow Houston Democrat: "He has a certain energy that bursts out at times. You can deal with it through anger management, through lessening the amount of alcohol you take."
Marisa Marquez, a Democrat challenging Rep. Paul Moreno, D-El Paso, telling the El Paso Times she's not aligned with House Speaker Tom Craddick and won't vote for his reelection: "As far as I'm concerned, no for Craddick."
Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, talking to a business group about state finances and the outlook for the state's main business levy — the new business margins tax: "We have no idea what this new tax is going to produce."
Sen. Kip Averitt, R-Waco, at a hearing where state transportation officials said they were $1.1 billion short because of an accounting error: " "You've got to be kidding."