Quotes of the Week

Henson, Hardy, Ogden, Rajagopalan, and Dutton

Scott Henson, a blogger who closely follows criminal justice issues, telling The Dallas Morning News that Texas has 2,300 felony laws on the books, including nearly a dozen involving oysters: "At this point, we've criminalized everything that remotely needs to be criminalized."

State Board of Education member Pat Hardy, R-Fort Worth, on that panel's messy relationship with the Lege, in the Austin American-Statesman: "We've drawn the ire of these people because we have done some screwball things."

Sen. Steve Ogden, R-Bryan, on a proposal to spend $7 million on birth control pills for women, quoted by the Associated Press: "Why can't they pay for it themselves?"

Keshav Rajagopalan, 22, former student body president at UT-Austin, telling The Dallas Morning News that some laws aimed at his generation don't make sense: "A 17-year-old who is texting while driving is just as dangerous as a 25-year-old, and a 40-year-old is even more dangerous because they don't know how to text."

Rep. Harold Dutton, D-Houston, quoted on the subject of cockfighting in the San Antonio Express-News: "Why do we make such a big deal about chicken fighting? When I go to Popeyes, how do I know how it died?"