Quotes of the Week

Bassett, Hutchison, Peña, Weber, and Bradley

Austin attorney Sam Bassett, who was replaced by Gov. Rick Perry on the state's Forensic Science Commission on the eve of a controversial death penalty hearing, asked by the Chicago Tribune whether Perry's office meddled with the agency's work: "I was surprised that they were involving themselves in the commission's decision-making. I did feel some pressure from them, yes. There's no question about that."

U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, talking with The Dallas Morning News about her success in earmarking $10 billion federal money for Texas: "I just get constant jabbing from the governor. Why wouldn't I fight for Texas? I'm proud of my effectiveness. To be hit for being effective for Texas is puzzling."

Rep. Aaron Peña, D-Edinburg, talking about political map-making in The McAllen Monitor: "A lot of people think this is a subject for professors and political geeks. There is nothing that will have a greater impact on the daily lives of people than the winners and losers in redistricting."

Former U.S. Rep. Vin Weber of Minnesota, now a Republican consultant, quoted in The Wall Street Journal: "The TEA party movement, in my judgment, has proven to be very real, but it's precisely the fact that it's real that makes it difficult to take advantage of. They don't want to be co-opted by the Republican Party."

State Board of Education member David Bradley, quoted in The Dallas Morning News on a meal paid for by a contractor who reported it even though it was under the state's required reporting threshold: "I enjoyed the sandwich. It was under $250."