Quotes of the Week

Perry, Camarillo, Hutchison, and Margo

Gov. Rick Perry, speaking at a Texas Association of Business luncheon: "I'm very concerned about the tons of fish that our federal government is flinging at us in the form of bailouts."

Lydia Camarillo, vice president of the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, quoted in the Austin Chronicle: "I believe that in 2010, if you register a million Latinos in Texas, with another 400,000 African-Americans, at the top of the ticket a Democrat would win. It would be an Anglo Democrat with 1 million. With 1.5 million Latinos, at the top of the ticket any person of any color would win as a Democrat."

U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram what she thinks of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's endorsement of Perry over Hutchison: "I have no reaction whatsoever."

El Paso Republican Dee Margo, on the battle between Hutchison and Perry, in the El Paso Times: "I have allegiances to both sides. I just want to stay the heck away."