Quotes of the Week

Perry, Schieffer, Dunnam, Lippincott, Hickenlooper, and King

Gov. Rick Perry, talking about the Mexican drug wars, quoted by the Newspaper Tree (El Paso): "The issue of how long this will last I think is really directed more to the federal government of the United States and if they're going to engage in a substantial way. I think this could be put to bed rather quickly. When you think about the number of billions of dollars the United States government has committed to a war in Iraq and a war in Afghanistan, a very small amount of that directed to this war against these drug cartels could end that war very quickly."

Democrat Tom Schieffer, asked whether he'll self-finance any or all of his bid for governor: "This is not an ego trip for me and I think you have to go to people and try to find support, and if you can't find that kind of support, that tells you something. So I'm going to try to raise the money."

Schieffer, on voting for George W. Bush twice for governor and twice for president: "He was my friend and he was my business partner, and I kind of put a little special niche in there for friends."

Rep. Jim Dunnam, D-Waco, urging Gov. Rick Perry to accept federal stimulus money for unemployment insurance: "I don't pay my federal income taxes to send the money to Wisconsin."

Chris Lippincott of the Texas Department of Transportation, disputing a House chairman's assertion that federal highway funds are supposed to favor economically distressed areas, quoted by the Associated Press: "I'm not sure Representative Dunnam understands what the law says. Federal law can be complicated."

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, quoted in the Washington Post on the demise of The Rocky Mountain News: "Even when they were uncovering corruption in the city, even when they were embarrassing us or causing us discomfort, they were making the city better. It's a huge loss."

Rep. Susan King, R-Abilene, promoting vocational education: "If you're not college material, it doesn't matter. You're something material."