Quotes of the Week

Shapleigh, Fraser, Anderson, Stewart, Scott, Averitt, Cornyn, and Stanford

Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, D-El Paso, after Gov. Rick Perry said a car bomb explosion in El Paso (it was across the border, in Juárez) was proof the border isn't secure: "Quit lying about El Paso; quit conflating drug dealers with Hispanics to whip up fear; quit the Tea Step tour and come home — and get to work and fix DPS — that's one responsible thing you can do on your watch."

Sen. Troy Fraser, R-Horseshoe Bay, on being a passenger in a rental car driven by lobbyist and former El Paso Rep. Pat Haggerty, who was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence: "I did not suspect the driver was intoxicated. If I had thought that he was impaired in anyway, I would have offered to drive."

Crosby resident Todd Anderson, on finding a large brick of marijuana after it washed ashore near his hometown, reported in the Houston Chronicle: "You never knew what was going to wash up on that beach. One day it could be dead bodies to drugs to stolen cars."

Comedian Jon Stewart on the Tyler Republican in the U.S. Congress: "That's not a normal congressman, it's Louie Gohmert. He actually believes that hate crime laws lead to necrophilia, and that senators should be elected by the state legislature, and that the moon is actually made of whipped cream that a giant fat man eats every month. I only made up one of those.”

Education Commissioner Robert Scott, on legislators' criticism of an accountability measurement that gives schools credit for students who didn't pass but might pass in the future: "This is an election year issue raised by a few people who want to put a damper on this day."

Former Sen. Kip Averitt on an early experience as a legislator, to The Texas Tribune: "So as I'm walking out to present my very first bill in the House of Representatives, every Republican in the House was walking out. And there I was facing 88 man-eating Democrats."

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn on the 14th Amendment's provision of birthright citizenship, quoted in The Dallas Morning News: “We need to have hearings. We need to consult constitutional scholars and study what the implications are.”

Democratic consultant Jason Stanford on a football clinic offered as one of the prizes in a raffle Perry's campaign is holding to encourage supporters to sign up voters, quoted in the Dallas Morning News: "How is Rick Perry not teaching this clinic? He can run and shoot."