We’ll find the money. The state is committed to this program. This program is not going away.
Gov. Rick Perry to reporters on the embattled Women's Health Program
I think it’s been the worst campaign I’ve ever seen in my life. I hate that people think compromise is a dirty word. It’s not a dirty word.
Former first lady Barbara Bush at a conference at SMU reported by the Dallas Morning News
Everyone likes to say 'local control,' but left unchecked, sometimes people don't always do the best jobs.
State Board of Education member David Bradley, during a campaign forum reported by KBTV
Parties want to be optimally extreme. They are like the frequent air traveller who believes that if he never misses a flight he is getting to the airport too soon.
UCLA political scientist John Zaller, quoted by The New Yorker
It's going to be May, I think, before you really start picking or choosing success or lack of success.
Ron Paul downplaying the Super Tuesday results to supporters
Mr. Torres can’t even get re-elected in his own hometown. I don’t see how he expects any support down here in my hometown.
Sen. Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, D-McAllen, upon learning that state Rep. Raul Torres, R-Corpus Christi, is intent on unseating the veteran senator