I don’t endorse people until I get asked.
Gov. Rick Perry when asked Wednesday whether he would endorse Speaker Joe Straus
I don’t endorse people until I get asked.
Gov. Rick Perry when asked Wednesday whether he would endorse Speaker Joe Straus
Describing a 41-year-old African American male as a boy, in any context, is unacceptable and offensive.
Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, in a statement asking Domingo Garcia, a Democratic candidate for Congressional District 33, to apologize for calling primary challenger Marc Veasey, who is black, an "errand boy"
If it's not part of a secret deal with Romney, it's merely utter idiocy.
Ron Paul biographer Brian Doherty to Slate on Paul's announcement this week that he would stop actively campaigning for president
In the coming days, my campaign leadership will lay out to you our delegate strategy and what you can do to help, so please stay tuned.
Ron Paul to supporters in an announcement Monday
If I were to have a 12-step process for recovering Democratic representatives, step one wouldn’t be running as a Republican. That would be step 12.
Bill Wilson II, a GOP challenger looking to unseat freshman state J.M. Lozano, R-Kingsville, who switched parties in March
Anyone who claims they know what this weird, late May 29 primary is going to do for voter turnout is making stuff up.
Conservative activist Michael Quinn Sullivan to The Associated Press
I don't think is this about getting re-elected. This is about what is morally right.
San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro to the San Antonio Express-News on President Obama's recent endorsement of gay marriage
If I am not successful, it won’t be because of race.
Rep. James White, currently in a primary contest against Rep. Mike Hamilton, on campaigning as a black Republican in deep Southeast Texas
My real opponent is me, in a sense. I'm a long-term incumbent, there's a lot of dissatisfaction with the job Congress is or isn't doing. My record is a central issue in the campaign.
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Ennis, on his re-election bid
I had to get used to a much faster pace, a greater sense of urgency, a sense of not accepting the status quo and being as innovative as you can. I think he's doing a great job.
University of Texas System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa on working with UT Board of Regents Chairman Gene Powell