The Calendar
Todd Wiseman
Friday, Jan. 9
- Fort Bend GOP 2015 Lincoln-Reagan Dinner, with Gov.-elect Greg Abbott as featured speaker; 11627 FM 1464, Richmond
Tuesday, Jan. 13
- First day of 84th Legislature; 1100 Congress Ave., Austin (12 p.m.)
- SD-16 celebration with state Sen. Don Huffines, R-Dallas; 1607 San Jacinto Blvd., Austin (3:30-7 p.m.)
- HD-13 special election (list of candidates)
Wednesday, Jan. 14
- 10th Annual Texas Transportation Forum; 500 East Fourth St., Austin (Jan. 14-16)
Thursday, Jan. 15
- Gov. Rick Perry to address joint session of Legislature; 1100 Congress Ave., House Chamber, Austin (2:30 p.m.)