The Calendar

Todd Wiseman
Friday, May 13
- Republican Party of Texas state convention (continued); Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, 650 S. Griffin St., Dallas (May 12-15)
Monday, May 16
- First day of early voting ahead of the May 24 party primary runoff elections
- Runoff campaign finance reports due for candidates in the May 24 party primary runoff elections
Tuesday, May 17
- State Rep. Leighton Schubert, R-Caldwell, fundraiser; The Austin Club, 110 E. Ninth St., Austin (4:30-6 p.m.)
Wednesday, May 18
- "Broken But Unbowed" book signing and book tour kickoff, with Gov. Greg Abbott; Texas Public Policy Foundation, 901 Congress Ave., Austin (1-2:30 p.m.)
Thursday, May 19
- McLennan County Republican Club monthly lunch meeting, with guest speaker Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar; Knox Hall, Texas Ranger Museum, 100 Texas Ranger Trail, Waco (12-1 p.m.)
- State Rep. Charles "Doc" Anderson, R-Waco, fundraiser; The Austin Club, 110 E. Ninth St., Austin (4:30-6:30 p.m.)