Quotes of the Week

Perry, Emanuel, Grant, Masset, Perry and KleimannGov. Rick Perry, talking about the competition in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: "There's a lot of wannabes out there. They can go make all the pronouncements they want. I reserve the right to ignore them until they've proven they can get on the ballot" U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Illinois, quoted in The New York Times on the president's picks for the U.S. Supreme Court: "George Bush won the election. If you don't like it, you better win elections." Ben Z. Grant, a Democrat challenging David Dewhurst for the lieutenant governor's job, on the Republican's personal wealth, in The Dallas Morning News: "My opponent has enough money to burn a wet mule." Republican consultant Royal Masset, quoted in the San Antonio Express-News in response to a report that trial lawyers are playing in GOP politics: "Everyone is trying to infiltrate the Republican Party, because we are Texas politics. Teachers should be trying, everyone's going to be trying, because we are the only act in town." Gov. Rick Perry, quoted by the Austin American-Statesman, in reponse to hoots from a Midland crowd after he told them was glad to be in Abilene to start his campaign: "Excuse me. Only missed it by about 150 miles." A multi-use, all-purpose political disclaimer cut and pasted from a David Kleimann press release: "These measures were necessary due to an erroneous claim, based on inaccurate facts, and irrational actions."