Quotes of the Week

Farrar, Perry, Nichols, Kimbrough, Dewhurst, Jones, and Eissler

Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, debating the HPV vaccine with Rep. Charlie Howard, R-Sugar Land: "As you and I both know, everybody lies about their sexual activity, that they do it and that they don't do it."

Gov. Rick Perry, asked by Texas Monthly whether he's breaking Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's heart by saying he might seek another term in 2010: "I break his heart every day. And I might be breaking somebody else’s heart. There are a lot of people who want to be governor."

Sen. Robert Nichols, R-Jacksonville, telling the Austin American-Statesman why he, a former highway commissioner, wants a two-year hold on toll roads: "I'm an engineer, and engineers believe the world is held together by tiny pieces. And if you disrupt those tiny pieces, it starts a chain reaction that can have negative consequences."

Jay Kimbrough, appointed by Gov. Rick Perry as special master of the Texas Youth Commission, in The Dallas Morning News: "I knew there would be some people that bark at me. My focus is on the solution, not history... I'm not going to be distracted by barking dogs."

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, asked about calls from state GOP officials and a state rep for him to push Senate consideration of a voter ID bill: "I'm sure they're being misquoted because I don't tell them how to run their offices."

Texas Railroad Commissioner and former state Rep. Elizabeth Ames Jones, talking to a Republican Women's Club and quoted in the Midland Reporter-Telegram: "I learned to be a champion for my district and Speaker Craddick taught me how to do that. Now I'm in charge of all the oilmen."

Rep. Rob Eissler, R-The Woodlands, on the need for fine arts education in public schools, quoted in the Houston Chronicle: "Left brain is logic, right brain is creativity. We don't want our kids to compete internationally with half of their brain tied behind their backs."