Quotes of the Week

I’m ahead of everybody else because, basically, I’m a soldier.

Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland, in an interview with the Associated Press two weeks before he and his wife were murdered in their home

Governor, I hope you will give up the swagger and get serious about expanding Medicaid in Texas.

U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, urging Gov. Rick Perry to change his mind

The federal government is much like an unscrupulous individual trying to convince a junior high kid to start smoking. They start by giving a few cigarettes and saying, 'Just try it,' and there's a bait and switch that's coming.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz on why he opposes expanding Medicaid

I’m incredibly passionate about a well-made piece of equipment, whether it’s an automobile or a weapon.

Gov. Rick Perry, hoping to lure gunmakers to Texas

In a lot of ways, I think they are straddling the fence. And the old Iowa cowboy in me tells me, if you’re straddling the fence too long, you’re going to get hurt.

Conservative activist Bob Vander Plaats of Iowa on Republican leaders embracing gay marriage, in the Washington Post

I think the individuals in North Korea understand that Austin, Texas, is now a very important city in America, as do corporate CEOs and other people who are moving here in record numbers.

Gov. Perry to CBS News after North Korea included Austin on its list of nuclear missile targets