Quotes of the Week

Donald comes from New York, and he embodies New York values. And listen, the Donald seems to be a little rattled.

Ted Cruz, opening up a new line of attack this week on GOP rival Donald Trump

I realize they have this ‘frenemies’ pact, it’s served them well, but once you start to get down to the last weeks of the campaign, that’s when everything starts getting thrown up against a wall.

Former Obama staffer Tommy Vietor on Donald Trump raising the issue of Ted Cruz's Canadian birth

It’s supposed to be a grassroots movement and it’s looking like one wealthy individual has taken control.

Marie Howard of the Keller Boiling Point Tea Party on a campaign finance report that showed more than half the money given to the NE Tarrant Tea Party came from Midland oilman Tim Dunn

Is he or she Godly, does he or she love us, can he or she do the job, and finally would they kill a duck and put him in a pot and make him a good duck gumbo?

Phil Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" fame, on his criteria for endorsing Ted Cruz for president

I never once saw a Cuban who wore boots.

Alejandro Carrillo, a Mexican salesman, highlighting the challenge facing the two Cuban-American candidates for president — Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio — in appealing to voters of Mexican descent