Quotes of the Week

At some point, it gets so low, there ain’t no more jobs to shed.

Comptroller Glenn Hegar, offering to The Dallas Morning News that the impact of low oil prices on the state's economy will be limited

Like I'm gonna talk any Texan out of being Texan — even for a day.

Cruz Iowa state director Bryan English discounting the possibility of having any of the candidate's Texan campaign volunteers to become Iowan for the caucuses

We don’t just represent Texas. You can call it 'Red State America' or 'Tea Party America,' but Texas is a voice for a lot of those people nationally.

First Assistant Attorney General Chip Roy on why Texas sues the federal government a lot

We’re all here because we love Jonathan. And we don’t love him just because he’s lovable. Admittedly, he’s so cute and cuddly that he’s hard not to love.

Midland oilman Tim Dunn on state Rep. Jonathan Stickland at the lawmaker's Defend Texas Liberty fundraiser

That has got to drive him nuts, and I imagine it sent him out of bed this morning tweeting and tweeting and tweeting.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz suggesting to reporters that Donald Trump is increasingly frustrated by the most recent polling numbers